Team Umizoomi Wiki
Team Umizoomi Wiki


Meet everybody in Umi City, including the Team!

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Know every location from Numberland to Umi City!

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Main Characters




Recurring Characters



The Troublemakers (Season 4 only)

The Best Jam

Thank you for voting. The Team Umizoomi Best Jam is... Anything To Help My Friends. (Go to the link to learn more) However, more votes were expected. The next time this comes around, tell as many of your friends, who are fans of Team Umizoomi, as you can. Keep this in mind next time.

  • Thanks to JoePlay for editing this home page and adding a logo and background! You really helped us out.
  • There are lots of pages that still need proper screenshots. Help Out!
  • If you wish to contribute to this wiki, feel free to sign up or log in and add you discoveries! You must be 13 or older to join.
  • Any content that is 18+ or extremely negative will be deleted and the person that added it there will be reciving a warning. If done again, the person will be blocked without a second thought.
  • You cannot put false information in this very wiki without evidence. The consequence process will be the same as the above. If you wish to add made-up stuff (without proof), go to the Team Umizoomi Headcanon and Fanon Wiki  and do that.
  • This wiki is only allowed to use English.
 Team Umizoomi wiki founder, Iphoneorange and the admins, ChameleonCove and GoldenLatias6, do not tolerate anyone who disobeys the rules. If you break any of the rules above, this is the order about what will happen.
  • The first time, you'll recieve a warning.
  • The second time, you'll recieve a yellow card and you will be blocked by one of the admins or the founder. That block is usually temporary.
  • The third time, you are out! You will be permitted to visit as much as you like and vote on the polls, but you will be forbidden from contributing.
  • The first rule is a exception, one of our admins will just tell you to have some over 13, such as parent, older sibling, or anyone you trust, make their own account and they must supervise you any time you're on the Wikia.
  • If you post something in another language on an article, one of admins will remove all edits regarding the language and ask you to not to do that again. The language rule is not as bad unless you keep doing it until you can get the consequences above.
Upcoming Episode

Sleeping UmiCar (September 9, 2014): The Team must find the ingredients for a wake-up poition when Zeppo the Wizard's sleeping potion makes UmiCar fall asleep.

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