Team Umizoomi Wiki
Team Umizoomi Wiki

The Shape Sea is just on the outside of Numberland. It's where Team Umizoomi's adventure to get the 3 keys began in Journey to Numberland. It's called Shape Sea because of all the shapes all over everywhere, and it's where Geo created Square Beard.

Episode Appearances[]

  • Journey to Numberland


It's mostly sea creatures like starfish, eels, and seagulls. The two major sea creatures are below.

  • The Pink Whale: Geo created her during the song "Shapes on The Sea" with an oval and a crescent. She helped the team get rid of Zilch by blasting him out to sea with her blowhole.
  • The Hungry Crocodile: Zilch created her to stop Team Umizoomi from reaching the Star Key. Her favorite foods are pineapples, pretzels, and pepperoni pizza. After the team fed her favorite foods, she said, "I'm stuffed!" and swam away.

Areas Within[]

The Shore[]

This is where the journey began and where Geo made Square Beard.

The Sea[]

The main sea is full of all kinds of shapes: on the pirate ship, in the sea, and all over Shape Sea.

The Island[]

This small place was where the Star Key was.

The Blue Rock[]

Square Beard dropped Team Umizoomi off here, so they can continue theur journey. Inside the Blue Rock was Relic Cave, where the Diamond Key awaits. 
